Thursday, July 5, 2007


double Monday?

With having a Holiday off, and restarting the week it's like having a double Monday. So far, it seems like Monday. DH rushed me out of the bathroom, the dog decided to take a walk and
my shoulder hurts. (Nothing major just old age setting in).

My son is getting married on Saturday and I have so much to do by then, wish me luck. I have a list in hand and money in my pocket going jing a ling a ling. Yes, you figured it out, Kevin is one of many that is tying the knot on 7-7-07 and hoping they will announce them as man and wife at 7:07 pm. I really like my new daughter in law, and new grandson; Eric. (3) This makes number 2 of 5 getting married and it does my heart good. I was a single mom with 5 for 12 years and it was one of my main missions to teach them what a healthy relationship was even though the relationship with thier father, did not warrant that title. (hehe)

Ok, off to work ....have nice one.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

over forty, fat and....

HOT. Okay I said it, there. He shakes his head as he asks if I am still hot, knowing darn well what the answer will be. My feet temparture are always 102* I swear. It is summer. We have air conditioning for a reason...ME, right?

There are 18 layouts stacked up on my desk awaiting titles, journaling and embellies. I work them all at once, in steps. Best way for my creative juice seems to go in waves, from design to journaling, etc. Should be done with most of them this weeked!

My new goal of facing my demons has got me crying, but I am working on being real with myself. Admitting being irresponsible, coming to terms of precussions and finding solutions are the ahrdest things in life. But, they need addressed to move forward. Gee-whiz....after this paragraph I may need to change the title of my blog from happy, happy, joy to gloomy, gloomy and sad. hehe

well back to my craft desk and watching a rerun of Stark.

have fun and stuff,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I don't wanna

That is right, I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. This is not a hissy fit yet, but...the same ole same ole is getting to me. This dilemna of not wanting to finish a full week always happens after a shorten week due to a Holiday. If I stay home ...I will clean the house, find a new bank (mine is crazy) and ok, who am I kidding...I am gonna scrap! That is, if I stay home.

I am sooooooooo proud of myself, so far it is going on two weeks now that I have been doing my hair and wearing makeup, a full face too. I feel like a woman, da-da-da-dada, da! Been buying Avon products from a girl at work. Have you tried that plump the lips stuff? They had a sample and I tried lips were so soft and I could see them "plump" right in front of my eyes. The only bad part of it was, I wanted to kiss someone and was at work. No willing candidates there.

By the way----here is to no more worrying, just getting things done. Fonna face my demons, head on with everything I have.

Weird thing happened this weekend. Well not weird, WEIRD, but weird. I woke up one morning and said "Hello, Mr. Blow Pop" Kevin woke up and said what??????? Giggle, giggle, giggle. no comment

OK, that is enough and it is getting way late here. Gotta get to bed, just in case I do go to work. Hmmmmmmm, does my throat feel scratchy? Why do my ears hurt? he he

have fun and stuff,

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I have been tagged?!?!

I've been tagged by Angeltown one of the awesome studioWERX Street Team members! and the weekly thread starter of scraplift challenges at 2peas.
The rules:Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves.People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules.At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!
1. There is always a television (or 2) on from morning to night here. During the day it's on for our dog, otherwise she would bark at every tiny outside noise.

2. I am near the end of my scrapbooking. The pages to finish are ones that ones for a BOM and Heritage ones, which I plan to scan and print to make books for my children/grandchildren. My urge of joining the art club around here and going back to my first love of drawing/painting are getting very strong.
3. My knees hurt. My back hurts. Why didn't someone tell me that in your late 40s your bones hurt?
4. I got an eye infection last May and have worn glasses ever since, which I am not happy about.
5. Lately, woman have noticed my nails. They are my real, simply maincured nails, same ole same ole for 30 years. Why all of a sudden am I getting compliments?
6. I want a better camera so bad I can taste it.
7. The again, I want it all and I want it all now.
OK... so I will post as I add my 7.

Susie Robin