Monday, April 9, 2007

Monday excitement

This should be quite an interesting day. Kevin starts his new job. Work is bringing in over 100 employees for a big project in May. I should finish some of the 8 pages I am working on. Doxie will be home alone for the first time in a long time. And I am wearing new shoes!

I am still thrilled to be on the DT at Tally Scrapper and the things TopTally sent are wonderful. I GOT THE NEW PRIMAS. Ok, so I yelled on my own blog. But, the paper flowers and birds and hearts are just wonderful.

Well I am gonna finish up my morning and head out before the sun is completely up.

have fun!

1 comment:

Susie said...

looking good so far to me! I went to tally scrappers to find a link since you forgot to stop and visit me!!