Sunday, April 8, 2007

the sound of silence

Hello anyone who reads this!

This morning I am up before the sun. My first thoughts of the day included the Ham for todays Easter Dinner and the clutter of things around here. Not to demote the religious importance of today, but in my mind this marks this Holiday as a cleansing of sorts. With Winter being behind us, the excuses of too cold being thrown out for any major changes in life styles and the unspeakable dream/hope that wonderful, miraclious things lie ahead.

The past plays a part in this whole anticpated future. What we learned before carries through and the love and dedication of family supports expectations. With that belief I have scrapbooked many pages of those before me. Heritage is what we call those pages, to me it allows those people to speak. Leaving a mark behind is a hard thing to do. Only the rich and famous find thier names being published for the masses to read.

I posted a slide with the newest Heritage pages I have finished. My mother in her younger years are my favorites, or maybe it is the ones of my father? They are important to me and I find myself taking special care in telling the story. My goal is to use the scans to make a hardbound book for each of the children. There are so many more to do!

May today be the first day of a remarkle future!

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